7 Ways to Practice Self-Care During Divorce

7 Ways to Practice Self-Care During Divorce

Divorce Impacts Your Mental & Emotional Health

Getting divorced can mean having to mourn your hopes, dream, and vision for the future as well as your relationship; it can also mean having to adapt to a lot of changes in your everyday life. Because of all the changes caused by the divorce and the proceedings themselves, you may experience a wide range of emotions throughout the process (i.e. anger, confusion, resentment, anxiety, shame, relief, etc.).

Even if you are involved in an amicable divorce or are at peace with getting divorced, your emotional and mental health can be impacted. When getting divorced, people can:

  • Act out emotionally
  • Feel stressed or anxious about the future
  • Isolate themselves from friends and family
  • Struggle with processing their emotions in a healthy way
  • Struggle with productivity and performance at work

How to Practice or Improve Your Self-Care During Divorce

While you cannot avoid having certain emotions or struggling with your divorce, you can prioritize self-care during and after the divorce. Self-care is about taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally, and by taking time to recharge, relax, and take care of yourself, you can combat the stress of the divorce process, strengthen your resolve, and renew your energy. Below, we will discuss seven ways you can practice self-care during your divorce.

1. Try Something New

Before your divorce, you likely had a set routine and could predict what your day would look like with 90% accuracy. Whether you alter your routine, try a new restaurant, or start up a new hobby, altering your routine and trying something new can help you embrace the changes in your routine. Implementing a new activity in your routine or trying something new can also be relaxing and freeing. For instance, instead of cooking dinner every night, consider going out once a week, or instead of doing chores and errands all day on Saturday, commit to taking at least an hour to do something new.

2. Do Something Active

To practice self-care during your divorce, you should consider getting active. Physical activity doesn’t just benefit your bodily health but can also improve your brain health, reduce anxiety, depression, and negative moods, and improve your self-esteem. By joining a gym or walking around your neighborhood or local park, you can also help you make new friends and connect with other people.

3. Do the Things You Love

Because of busyness and/or stress, you may deprioritize taking time to do things you enjoy. However, that isn’t a good idea. During your divorce, you should find and take some time to do something you love. From going to the theater to painting to boxing to gaming, you should be sure to take advantage of doing things that make you happy and hopeful.

4. Revive Your Spirit by Slowing Down

You can slow down and revive yourself by meditating, doing yoga, reading a book, visiting a masseuse or spa, getting a manicure, or doing something relaxing. As we mentioned, getting divorced can cause stress, anxiety, and a whole lot of other negative emotions, which can impact your overall health. To combat those feelings and take care of yourself, you can take time to do activities that help you relax, meditate, and practice mindfulness.

5. Change Your Environment

Your environment can affect your mental health and ability to move forward and make positive changes. If you feel like your life is stagnant or toxic, that may also reflect how you feel about your everyday environments like your home.

You should take time to change your décor or furniture arrangement in your living space. Even if you’re still living in your marital home or cohabitating with your soon-to-be ex-partner, changing your environment in some ways can help you move forward and embrace change. It can also get you moving and involved in doing something new (if you haven’t redecorated before). If you moved out already, you can consider changing your environment by choosing a paint or sofa color you wouldn’t have before or purchasing a new lamp or rug.

6. Avoid Isolating

During your divorce, one of the best ways to practice self-care is to get support. Feelings of loneliness can impact your mental health and wellness, which is why you should avoid being alone. In some cases, you may feel like your family or friends don’t understand what you’re going through. You still shouldn’t isolate. Consider joining a support group or attending therapy.

7. Lean on Your Attorney for Help

Retaining and utilizing your attorney can help you feel less stressed. Your attorney is there to help you make informed decisions and handle legalities throughout the process. While you can and should be involved in your case, you should also be able to trust your attorney to oversee the case.

At Balbo & Gregg, Attorneys at Law, PC, we are known for helping our clients develop personalized strategies to protect their interests and achieve the best possible results. To schedule a case consultation with our divorce attorneys, call (866) 580-3089 or contact us online today.
