How to Divorce Amicably

How to Divorce Amicably

Divorce is often painted as a battlefield, a war between spouses waged in courtrooms. But this adversarial image isn't the only option. An amicable divorce, also known as an uncontested divorce, is a process where couples prioritize respect and cooperation throughout the divorce process. This means working together to reach agreements on property division, child custody (if applicable), and spousal support without resorting to litigation and while remaining cordial.

Why Choose an Amicable Divorce?

There are numerous benefits to prioritizing an amicable divorce. This type of divorce can:

  • Reduce stress and emotional strain. Constant conflict takes a toll on everyone involved, especially children. An amicable divorce doesn't erase the emotional difficulties that come with the end of a marriage. However, by focusing on solutions and open communication, couples can navigate this challenging time with more civility and less animosity. This approach benefits everyone involved, reducing stress and financial strain and fostering a healthier environment for the children of the marriage.
  • Save money. Legal battles can get expensive. A smoother process translates to lower costs.
  • Foster healthier co-parenting. If you have children, you'll still need to function as a team, and remaining amicable throughout your divorce can make co-parenting easier later on.
  • Allow for closure and a chance to move forward. Holding onto anger hinders healing for both parties.

Tips for a Peaceful Divorce

Here are some key strategies to consider for an amicable divorce:

  • Prioritize communication. Open and honest communication, even if difficult, is crucial. Focus on active listening and expressing your needs respectfully.
  • Put your children first. If you are divorcing with children, their well-being should be paramount. As we mentioned, an amicable divorce helps everyone, including your children, better navigate the process. When things get challenging, remember that you are doing this (in part) for them. You should also consider creating a parenting plan that prioritizes stability and minimizes conflict.
  • Consider mediation. It may be difficult to negotiate the terms of the divorce yourself, which is where mediation comes in. A neutral third party can facilitate discussions and help reach mutually beneficial agreements.
  • Focus on fairness, not equality. In New Jersey and Pennsylvania, assets are divided equitably; dividing assets and finances doesn't have to be a 50/50 split. Remember this during negotiations (and self-reflection) and aim for a fair solution that considers each person's needs.
  • Seek professional help. Therapists can guide you through the emotional challenges and help with communication. Even if you have committed to being amicable, you can still experience anger, grief, and a full range of emotions because of your divorce, and it won’t do you any good to ignore the feelings, nor will it help the divorce process.
  • Embrace compromise. Be prepared to give and take to reach a solution that works for both of you.
  • Don't dwell on the past. Focus on the future and the new chapters you'll be writing separately.

Remember, an amicable divorce isn't about becoming best friends with your ex-spouse. It's about creating a respectful and civil environment that allows everyone involved, especially children, to heal and move forward.

Get Legal Counsel

If you're considering divorce, Balbo & Gregg, Attorneys at Law, PC, is here to help. Our experienced team understands the intricacies of Georgia's divorce laws and is committed to supporting you every step of the way. From asset division to child custody, we'll work with you to pursue an outcome that protects your interests and sets you on a path to a brighter future.

Schedule an initial consultation today by calling (866) 580-3089.
