Georgia Medical Marijuana Laws

Georgia Medical Marijuana Laws

Eligibility for Medical Marijuana Card in Georgia

Every year, an increasing number of states legalize medical marijuana, decriminalize recreational marijuana, and generally loosen many of their marijuana laws altogether.

But where does Georgia stand on medical marijuana? If you don’t already know this, the state of Georgia prohibits the possession and use of recreational marijuana, although some cities like Atlanta and Savannah have decriminalized the possession of up to 1 ounce of recreational cannabis by imposing relatively low fines.

When it comes to medical marijuana in Georgia, however, certain qualified patients may legally possess up to 20 fluid ounces of low THC oil. The three categories of people who may apply for a medical marijuana card in Georgia are:

  1. An adult who has one or more of the diseases specified in the law
  2. Legal guardians of an adult who has one or more of the diseases specified in the law
  3. Parents or legal guardians of a minor child who has one or more of the diseases specified in the law

Georgia’s medical marijuana laws only intend to protect qualified patients from criminal prosecution. As such, eligible patients must have a Low THC Oil Registry Card to prove that they are authorized to have the oil and avoid arrest for unlawful possession. While it sounds like Georgia is taking several steps forward, know that there are strict limits on the state’s medical marijuana laws. They include:

  • Sale or possession of marijuana in leaf form is illegal
  • Production or sale of food products infused with low THC oil (“edibles”) is illegal
  • Ingestion of low THC oil through vapor is illegal
  • Physicians cannot prescribe medical marijuana

Qualifying Condition and Diseases

Only a limited number of conditions and diseases can make you eligible for a medical marijuana card in Georgia. For the most part, they must be severe and/or end-stage health issues. The list of qualifying conditions and diseases includes but is not limited to:

  • Cancer
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Seizure disorders related to the diagnosis of epilepsy or trauma related head injuries
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Tourette’s syndrome
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Epidermolysis bullosa
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • AIDS
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Intractable pain
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from direct exposure to or witnessing of a trauma for a patient who is at least 18 years of age

Caught for Possessing Marijuana?

Maybe you lost your Low THC Oil Registry Card or don’t have one at all, but the bottom line is that no matter how you ended up with drug possession charges, you must fight them will full force. You cannot treat your charges lightly, as possessing medical or recreational marijuana is a serious crime in Georgia. Thus, retain trusted and powerful legal defense from our criminal defense attorneys to maximize your chances of getting reduced or dismissed charges.

Contact us at (866) 580-3089 to begin the process!
